Lightning Master

Prepare for the Upcoming Storm Season

LightningMaster Corp

Summer Brings Storm Season Summer is not too far away, which is good news for those of you looking forward to some time off. However, summer is also the time when storms, specifically thunderstorms, occur. “When thunder roars, go indoors” as the old saying goes, but what about buildings, facilities, and other outdoor equipment? Unfortunately, […]

Bonding and Grounding

LightningMaster Corp

Lightning Protection with Bonding and Grounding For many industries, such as the petroleum industry, the topic of lightning protection comes up frequently. This is not surprising since oil and gas facilities are usually large facilities, made mostly of metal, and sit exposed to the elements. It is not unusual to hear about either lightning strikes […]

Storage Tank Lightning Protection: Why is it Necessary?

LightningMaster Corp

Storage Tank Lightning Protection Needs to be Taken Seriously Storage tank lightning protection is a highly debated area in the world of lightning protection. However, everyone involved in lightning protection agrees that tanks, especially those used in the oil and natural-gas field, need lightning protection of some kind. An exception to this is if the […]

How Static Electricity Can Damage Your Systems

LightningMaster Corp

Static Electricity: The Hidden Hand You may have a vague memory of your science teacher experimenting with static electricity back in your school days. This more-so simplistic concept usually involves a balloon, wool, and human hair, wherein the teacher rubs the balloon on wool and then puts it near the head. This, in turn, causes […]

Best Surge Protection: Facts You Should Know

LightningMaster Corp

Do Not Settle for Second-Best when it Comes to Surge Protection Why the Best Surge Protection is Necessary Surges are transient waves that occur upon a spike in voltage. The length of time for these sub-cycle overvoltage’s can vary according to the reason behind the surge. When lightning strikes objects, such as telephone lines, cable […]

Outdoor Lightning Safety For Your Employees

LightningMaster Corp

What can you do to implement outdoor lightning safety plans and equipment to protect your employees and property? “Upon hearing thunder, it’s time to head indoors” is likely to be a constantly repeated and thus inherent notion for outdoor lightning safety. Some may be familiar with the 30/30 rule, essentially meaning that if the time […]

Lightning Master In-Tank Static Drain (ITSD)

LightningMaster Corp

Several years ago, Lightning Master modified one of its existing products, an appliance designed in the mid-1980s to be part of a lightning protection system for tall broadcast towers, to serve to mitigate the danger of ignition in petroleum processing and storage tanks from static and lightning. In the case of static, it acts to […]

Flowback Tank Static Protection

LightningMaster Corp

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fires and explosions caused by static in flowback operations have become increasingly common. Let’s take a look at the problem and a readily available solution. Oddly enough, each operator with whom we have worked on this believes themselves to be the only operator experiencing it. We trust this article will both provide solutions and open […]

Lightning Protection for Water Treatment Plants

LightningMaster Corp

Why is Lightning Protection for Water Treatment Plants Necessary? Lightning strikes cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage each year. However, it’s not only about money, but it is also about downtimes, damage control, and potential disasters. For something like treatment plants, which cannot afford to be crippled for long periods of time, Lightning protection […]

What is Ground to Cloud Lightning?

LightningMaster Corp

Ground to Cloud Lightning; The Basics Lightning, the mere word conjures up images of spectacular fireworks, Mother Nature puts on for “free”, accompanied by scary cannon fire sounds. Lightning is the go-to word to describe anything scary, fascinating, or magical, depending on the context. However, not many people know that there are different kinds of […]

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