Lightning Master

Facts About Lightning Protection for Oil and Gas Companies

LightningMaster Corp

It is important to understand and respect the effects of lightning.

Lightning strikes can occur at any moment. Providing your employees with a safe working environment is a top priority for any oil and gas facility. It is important to understand common lightning facts to ensure that your facility is always safe and well-prepared. Here are just a few of the most common facts about lightning for oil and gas companies to know and understand.

Most Lightning Strikes Occur During the Summer

The vast majority of lightning strikes occur during the hot summer months of June, July, and August. These summer months account for two-thirds of all lightning strikes over land, which is just one more reason why it is important to implement proper lightning protection at all times.

Lightning is Hotter Than The Surface of the Sun

The temperature of a lightning strike is five times hotter than the surface of the sun. Lightning is around 53,500 °F, while the surface of the sun is about 10,300 °F. A lightning strike is a deadly force of nature that should always be respected.

Lightning is Most Frequent in the Afternoon

Lightning strikes typically occur in the afternoon, usually between 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Many employees are still working at this time during the afternoon, which makes it even more essential for oil and gas companies to have lightning protection systems and equipment ready.

Speed of Sound

One of the most effective ways to determine the distance of lightning is to count the number of seconds between when you see lightning and hear thunder. It takes five seconds for sound to travel a mile, which can help you estimate the distance of any lightning in your area.

The Frequency of Direct Hits

Direct lightning strikes are the least common way to be injured or killed. Instead, 40%-50% of all injuries are due to the ground current of lightning strikes. It is also important to realize that rubber-soled shoes will not protect you from a lightning strike but the farther you are away from a lightning strike will result in less voltage.

Lightning can Strike the Same Place Twice

Everyone has heard of the common phrase that lightning never strikes in the same place twice. However, the opposite is true, as lightning can strike the same area multiple times. Lightning is also much more likely to hit man-made objects more than once.

Highest Rate of Lightning

Using lightning protection for oil and gas companies in Texas is an excellent investment that will help to protect your employees and equipment from lightning strikes. LightningMaster Corporation specializes in lightning protection for oil and gas companies in Midland, TX. We have over 30 years of experience in lightning protection for oil and gas industries.

Lightning strikes can devastate any company, and it is well worth the extra effort to ensure that your employees have the ultimate protection from this deadly force of nature. Our innovative lightning protection systems are perfect in for Midland Texas oil and gas facilities and other regions that experience a high number of lightning strikes each year.

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