Lightning Master

Information About Winter Lightning Storms


What are Winter Lightning Storms?

Whether you choose to call it winter lightning storms, winter thunderstorms, or thundersnow storm, it all describes the same phenomenon. It is a type of storm where snow, instead of rainfall occurs, with the accompaniment of lightning. Most people associate thunderstorms with rain; however, it can happen in winter.

How Do Winter Lightning Storms Form?

Thunderstorms of any kind can only form in weather that is conducive for lightning. This can happen in both cold and hot climates. The ideal conditions for lightning storms occur when cold air from the north starts to settle to the ground and moves towards the south, into warmer air. This collision between two weather systems causes highly unstable air. This is also the “ideal” climate for lightning to develop. This is why when the weather starts to change, and a cold front is moving in, there is a chance that lightning storms will occur. In fact, if you hear thunder off in the distance in winter, it usually means a cold front is on its way.

There are two problems that come with winter lightning storms. The first and obvious one is lightning. The second is that once the storm arrives, there is a chance that a big snowstorm may follow as well. That is why it is called thundersnow. Winter lightning storms or thundersnow tend to happen in areas located close to large bodies of water, especially lakes.

One of the primary differences between winter storms is the acoustic effects of snow. The sound does not carry nearly as far when thunder is produced. From a lightning protection standpoint, this can be bad news since it does not allow for much time to take necessary precautions. Basically, it means when you hear thunder in winter, the winter lightning storms have already arrived in the area.

How to Deal with Lightning Storms

If you are running a facility in a petroleum field or another type of commercial facility, it is important to have proper lightning protection in place. This is especially true for fuel storage tanks, oil and gas facilities, or any building that houses employees. If you already have lightning protection in place, then it may be a good idea to make sure it is up-to-date and working. If you do not have lightning protection, it is time to talk to a company such as Lightning Master.

Learn More About Winter Lightning Storms with Lightning Master Corporation

Lightning Master is one of the few companies in the world that offers a comprehensive lightning protection plan for every type of facility. In other words, Lightning Master Corporation is not just a third-party distributor selling lightning rods. We send our engineers to each location and put in place complete and customized lightning protection for our customers, including protection from winter lightning storms. Lightning Master can be contacted at 727-447-6800.

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