Lightning Master

Damaged Caused by Indirect Lightning Strikes

LightningMaster Corp

Understanding the damaged caused by indirect lightning strikes is important for anyone in the oil and gas industry. These lightning strikes can cause major damage to any facility and also pose significant safety concerns for any workers in the near vicinity of these strikes. The main difference between a direct and indirect lightning strike is that an indirect lightning strike occurs on an object or the ground and the electric current travels until it meets another object. A side flash is another form of an indirect lightning strike, as this type of lightning strikes an object and hits another object through the air instead of the ground.

Understanding how to minimize the damage of indirect lightning strikes is critical in the oil and gas industry, as here are just a few examples of the potential damaged caused by indirect lightning strikes.

#1 Indirect Lightning Strikes Can Be Deadly

An indirect lightning strike can be deadly, as an average bolt of lightning can carry an electric current of 20,000 amperes. Always taking the necessary safety precautions is essential in the workplace, as an indirect lightning strike has enough power to cause significant damage and even loss of life. Installing lightning protection equipment is the first step in keeping employees safe. A lightning protection company can perform site surveys and risk assessments to identify the needs of your facility.

#2 Indirect Lightning Strikes are Fairly Common

Indirect lightning strikes are very common, and they account for over 50% of lightning injuries each year. On the other hand, direct lightning strikes only account for 4% of all incidents in a year. Understanding how to prepare for indirect lightning strikes can help you minimize the damage of these storms and create a much safer work environment.

#3 Indirect Lightning Strikes Can Cause Massive Damage

An indirect lightning strike can cause significant damage to any outdoor buildings or equipment. These damages can shut down the entire operations of a company and require extensive repair work before everything begins to function at a normal rate. These hours of downtime can result in substantial costs and make it difficult for any oil and gas company to make a profit. However, taking the extra time to invest in lightning protection technology is well worth the additional costs to ensure that your facility has the best protection available from indirect lightning strikes.

Contact Lightning master Today to Learn More About Indirect Lightning Strikes and Lightning Protection

Indirect lightning strikes are always a top concern for many companies in the oil and gas industry. However, the use of lightning protection products can keep your equipment and employees safe from these deadly lightning strikes. Lightning Master Corporation specializes in lightning protection services and technology products for a wide variety of business in the oil and gas industry. We understand the vast damage of indirect lightning strikes, and it is our mission to provide your company with the proper protection. We have over 35 years of experience in the industry, as we will ensure that your oil and gas facility will comply with the latest safety and compliance guidelines for indirect lightning strikes.

If you wish to learn more about our services, please reach out to us at (727) 447-6800 and schedule a free consultation.

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