Lightning Master

How Do You Give Your Clients What They Need? R&D and QA/QC

LightningMaster Corp

Sometimes you simply have to build a better mousetrap. While we provide the systems that keep people and equipment safer like: static and lightning protection for tanks, surge suppression, and bonding and grounding solutions; Lightning Master’s unparalleled Research and Development team, our Engineers, and our in-house production facility are in constant collaboration to advance the industry itself, and the unique needs of our diversified clients. Our innovative answers for common problems not only serve to protect expensive hardware and prevent catastrophes, they actually set new standards.

It is one thing to take a carton of bonding plates off the shelf and ship them out to a customer but another thing entirely to research, design, and produce equipment that is custom-made to resolve a universal problem. Besides setting us apart, we are giving clients what they need – which is often much more than a warehouse full of cable clips and bonding clamps. On 07 April 2015, the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued Lightning Master Corp United States Patent Number 9,001,488 for our MAGS® bypass conductor system for floating roof tanks.

The MAGS®, Movable Arm Grounding System™, is a reliable, gravity-powered external floating roof tank bonding system which has been thoroughly tested; including simulated 110mph wind in excess of 3,000,000 cycles (at time of printing), without wear or failure. Lightning Master Corp MAGS® is ATEX Certified and exceeds the requirements of the American Petroleum Institute API 545 and the National Fire Protection Association NFPA 780.

EFR (External Floating Roof) tanks are particularly vulnerable to the effects of lightning. If not bonded properly, both a direct and/or a lightning strike in the vicinity can cause equipment to ignite. Our MAGS® bypass conductor system protects these tanks and requires little to no maintenance by providing electrical bonding between the floating roof and the tank shell of an external floating roof (EFR) storage tank.

Says Bruce Kaiser, Founder and CEO of Lightning Master Corporation: “This patent is an important component of Lightning Master’s intellectual property portfolio covering specific lightning protection and manufacturing techniques.”

The top five elements that distinguish our design from other bypass conductor systems:

  1. MAGS® is certified for installation in a Classification 1, Division 1 area.
  2. Components include UV thermal protected cable, 300 series stainless steel bases and fiberglass arms; all fabricated at our headquarters in Clearwater, Florida.
  3. The MAGS® fiberglass mast arm removes the risk of improper roof operations typically created as a result of tangled and broken cables on traditional floating roof tank systems.
  4. The gravity-powered system requires little to no maintenance, negating the need for spring loaded parts and moving reels that have the potential to arc.
  5. This system is easy to implement and has a worldwide base of trouble-free installations.

Since 1984 we have delivered full service, full-spectrum static solutions, lightning and transient protection to domestic and international oil, gas, and chemical industries.

With innovations like MAGS®, we will continue to compensate for vulnerabilities so nothing stands in the way of our clients’ operations or their safety.

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