Lightning Master

Movable Arm Grounding System for EFR’s: LM-MAGS

MAGS — Movable Arm Grounding System is a patented By-Pass conductor for External Floating Roof Tank.  It meets and exceeds the requirements for the American Petroleum Institute, API 545, and the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 780, and is ATEX Certified.  It is a simple, reliable, gravity-powered system and has been thoroughly wind tested in excess of 1,700,000 cycles without wear or failure.  MAGS is easy to install, and has a worldwide base of trouble-free installations.  Unlike some other systems, MAGS is certified for Classification 1, Division 1 area.

  • Meets & exceeds API 545 and NFPA 780
  • Certified for insallation in Class 1, Div. 1 Area
  • ATEX Certified
  • EFR Tank Bonding System
  • Wind Tested to simulated 100mph in excess of 1,700,000 cycles without wear or failure
  • Easy Installation
  • Little to no maintenance
  • All weather base available
  • Patented

LM-MAGS Spec Sheet

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