Proactive lightning protection will mitigate the damage caused by lightning strikes.
Worldwide, there’s a total of nearly 1.4 billion flashes of lightning per year — that’s about 40-50 lightning strikes per second! Closer to home, 25 million lightning flashes hit the United States and surrounding coastal waters each year. Overall, Florida and Texas receive the most lightning strikes in the United States each storm season. Lightning is one of the most dangerous weather-related events, with direct or nearby lightning storms resulting in loss of lives and extensive damage to all types of property.
However, because it often targets a single object at a time, lightning is often an unnoticed event — which makes lightning seasons all the more dangerous. That’s why you should be proactive and take lightning protection measures to protect lives and property in the event of a lightning strike.
Lightning Protection Products
Without the correct protection products, lightning strikes can cause significant residential and commercial property damage. During lightning seasons, electrical systems can be shut down, company and customer data may be compromised, and the well-being of employees and others might be put at risk. Since no one knows exactly when and where the next lightning strike will occur, proactive safety with the right lightning protection devices is the only way to stay safe. Here are some lightning protection components to help you protect life and property in the event of a lightning strike:
Lightning Rod
Also known as air terminals, lightning rods are recommended when it comes to safeguarding your property. An air terminal is placed at the highest point of a building or structure and is one of the most effective lightning measures you can have in place if you’re trying to convey lightning to the ground. However, when considering installing lightning rods to your building or facility, also take into consideration the type and the contents of the structure you’re wanting to protect.
Down Conductor
A down conductor is simply a metal attached to the air terminal. The electric charge from the lightning has to be directed somewhere, and that’s what the down conductor does. When lightning strikes the air terminal, the electric flow leaves the terminal and travels down to the final protection device via the down conductor.
Ground Rod
In lightning protection systems, the ground rod is the final protection device. The ground rod is attached to the down conductor and inserted into the ground. A ground rod ensures that the electricity from the lightning strike escapes harmlessly into the earth.
Surge Suppression
Lightning can affect a variety of electrical systems. A common effect of a nearby lightning strike is an electrical surge induced on power to a home or commercial property. These surges can travel for miles on metallic conductors, ending up at your facility resulting in damage or destroying electronic equipment. By utilizing a surge suppression device, this will limit and/or eliminate the voltage to your electronic equipment.
In closing, according to an analysis by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), local U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 22,600 fire incidents per year that were triggered by lightning strikes between 2007 and 2011. The cost of damage from a fire or replacing electronic equipment after a lightning strike should be enough motivation to invest in a lightning protection system.
Direct or nearby lightning strikes can result in massive property damage and loss of life. Fortunately, utilizing a lightning protection system can mitigate the risk of direct or nearby lightning strikes. At Lightning Master Corporation, we can help you install and customize lightning protection systems to protect your property from direct or indirect lightning strikes as well as electrical surges. We also offer numerous lightning protection services for industries such as communication tower lightning protection, oil tank lightning protection, and petroleum lightning protection.