Lightning Master

Sometimes Simple Really is Better

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF LIGHTNING PROTECTION FOR EXTERNAL FLOATING ROOF TANKS BACKGROUND A lightning strike consists of two components: a short duration, high-energy spike, followed by a longer duration, lower energy tail (see graph).  While the high-energy spike is truly impressive, it is the lower energy, long duration component that is actually responsible for ignitions in […]

How To Survive The Storm

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF In 2009, API 545, “Recommended Practice for Lightning Protection of Above ground Storage Tanks for Flammable or Combustible Liquids”, First Edition, replaced the lightning protection portion of API 2003, “Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents”.  With the new Recommended Practice (RP) came the requirement for by-pass conductors […]

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