Grounding for Antennas & Transmission Lines

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF It was a stormy night… The importance of grounding. It’s nearly done.  After all those months, weeks, days and nights of hard work, the wireless system is almost up and running. Tomorrow, the local telephone service provider will be bringing in the T1 lines, the wireless will be connected to the wire-line […]

Static Dissipation Arrays

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF Static dissipation arrays: a buyer’s guide Static dissipation array is a generic description of a system using point discharge phenomenon to protect a given object or area from a lightning strike. Static dissipation arrays are available in a variety of forms and have received various marketing pelations from their manufacturers. They have […]

Lightning Protection Theory: More Fuel for the Debate

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF A clear understanding of the operational theory of streamer-delaying products might lead the technology’s opponents to take another look and to devote some of their energy to figuring out how and why it works. Bruce A. Kaiser Six years ago there raged in these pages a debate over the benefits of static dissipation as […]

Single-Point Grounding For Communications Sites

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF Single-point grounding is the most critical element of a three-part process involving effective bonding and grounding, transient voltage surge suppression and structural lightning protection. “Single-point grounding” is a current buzzword in protecting communications sites from the ravages of lightning and general ground transients. Bruce A. Kaiser, President of Lightning Master, Clearwater, Florida. […]

A Three-Tiered Approach to Lightning Control

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF Operator Certification Test Advanced Extra Credit Question #6 You are the operator of a water treatment plant. The bearings on one of your submersible pumps fail frequently and apparently at random during the summer. The cause is A. incorrect alignment during installation B. tiny microorganisms with wrenches C. lightning The operator of […]

When Lightning Strikes

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF The bearings on a submersible pump at the Loxahatchee River District Wastewater Treatment Plant in South Florida were failing frequently and apparently at random during the summer. But after plant operators reviewed maintenance and weather records, they realized that the failures always occurred within 3 days of a suspected direct lightning strike […]

Lightning Protection for Pipeline Compressor Stations & Other Facilities

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF ByBruce A. Kaiser, President, Lightning Master Corp., Clearwater, Florida If your pipeline or distribution system is using microprocessor-based control systems, a properly designed, installed and maintained lightning protection system may be just the ticket to help ensure long-term reliability. That is because while pipeline facilities and related structures- with a few spectacular […]

Lightning Protection’s Potential Pitfalls and Best Practices

LightningMaster Corp

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Download the PDF Lightning Protection’s Potential Pitfalls and Best Practices By Bruce Kaiser, Lightning Master Corp. With a few basic and cost-effective measures, communications centers can bring lightning damage to an acceptable level, assuring full-time availability of critical services. It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was blowing; the rain was horizontal. It […]

Static and Lightning Protection for Tanks

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF On occasion in our industry, certain types of tanks explode or catch fire, sometimes, but not always, during electrical storms. These tanks include SWD, produced water, frac tanks and distillate tanks. The problem occurs with steel, lined-steel and fiberglass tanks. The two possible causes of these incidents point to static discharge and/or […]

Static Solutions

LightningMaster Corp

Download the PDF In 2009, an operator in North Dakota began installing guided wave radar level sensors in fiberglass produced water tanks in their Sanish Field.  The purpose of this installation was to secure compatibility with the company’s SCADA system, allow reading without climbing tanks, and secure additional accuracy and reliability. Unfortunately, after six months […]

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